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Study: Wear and Tear are Major Causes of Damage to the Ebike

Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023 by Wertgarantie provides insights into ebike damage

The German insurer Wertgarantie regularly has people surveyed about their bicycle use. It itself is of course interested in finding out, for example, how people secure their bicycles, how much money they are willing to spend on theft protection compared to the value of the bicycle, and the like. Often, however, topics such as repair and maintenance also play a greater role. This was the case again in the “Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023”. We took a closer look at this section.

The biggest annoyance on an ebike

The analyses by Wertgarantie are interesting because they provide insights into ebikes as well as regular bicycles. Sometimes quite unexpected differences emerge between the two. The first one is already waiting at the beginning of the report, when the question is asked which causes mainly lead to damage to a bicycle. As expected, wear and tear is at the top of the list. Only very few parts on a bicycle can simply cope with the regular strain of riding. Almost every component wears out over time until it has to be replaced at some point.

Surprisingly, however, only one third of damage to the ebike is due to wear and tear. This still makes it the main cause. However, the percentage for regular bikes is around 45 percent, which is twelve percentage points higher. In general, the additional stress caused by the motor is considered to be predestined to put a lot of strain on brakes and gears, for example. The fact that the proportion is nevertheless lower in comparison could be a sign that parts specified for use on ebikes are more robust in practice than is usually assumed.

Overview from Wertgarantie's Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023 on the cause of damage to bicycles

Overview on the cause of damage to bicycles

Damage quickly becomes costly

In contrast, this picture is reversed when it comes to technical defects. Here, ebikes stand out significantly more often and thus lag behind the rate of non-electric bikes. At around 22 percent to twelve percent, the figures speak for themselves. According to Wertgarantie, the battery of an ebike fails more than 30 percent of the cases. As we know, repair options are still quite limited these days. In this respect, the only solution is usually to replace the battery with a new one. This can quickly cost a high three-digit sum.

When it comes to the other causes of damage – falls, theft, vandalism and accidents – both types of bicycle are relatively close to each other.

Rather go to a workshop than repair it oneself

When it comes to repairing damage, the e-drive once again makes itself felt as an X-factor. A clear tendency emerges here: people who ride an ebike take their broken bike to a workshop more often and try less to fix it themselves at home. Almost 40 percent of ebike riders trust the competence of professional workshops and have everything fixed there. Among people with a regular bike, this only applies to around 24 percent.

At the same time, a large group among both camps trusts completely in their own skills. Just under 30 percent of all cyclists are self-reliant. Help from friends, acquaintances or family members is similarly popular. As soon as a non-electric bike suffers damage, they are consulted in almost 29 percent of all cases. In relation to an ebike, it is not quite 20 percent.

Overview from Wertgarantie's Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023 on repairing damage to bicycles

Overview on repairing damage to bicycles

The additional technology of the ebikes certainly contributes to the differences. Handling the battery and motor, for example, requires not only the necessary expertise, but also special tools. Repairs must be carried out professionally. Anyone who does not work correctly risks not only the guarantee, warranty and insurance cover for the bike, but above all their own safety when riding in road traffic.

Diligence pays off

Since every damage is one too many, it is of course always worth asking how it can best be avoided? One magic word is maintenance. This starts with such basic things as the option to park the bike in a dry place. About four out of five respondents can guarantee this. The garage, one’s own cellar or a separate bicycle cellar dominate as storage locations. If you park your bike outside, at least the majority can use a bicycle stand.

Overview from Wertgarantie's Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023 on parking bicycles

Overview on parking bicycles

Regular checks, whether carried out by oneself or by a workshop, are also crucial for avoiding damage. Once again, there is a clear difference between people with an ebike and those with a regular bicycle. While 60 percent of ebikes undergo this procedure, only half as many of the non-electric bikes do.

And even in the time in between, the intensity of care varies. While two thirds of all ebikes are cleaned at least once a month, this only applies to half of the bikes without electric assistance. Yet it is precisely this regular care that can significantly extend the life of all parts on the bicycle. And the more often this is done, the less effort is required.

Overview from Wertgarantie's Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023 on the maintenance of ebikes and regular bicycles


Report possible damage simply online

Despite all the care taken, no one is immune to damage. Companies such as Wertgarantie offer apps in which damage can be registered and, if necessary, transmitted to the investigating authorities and the insurance company. Alternatively, this can also be done with the help of corresponding customer portals of the insurers. Almost a third of all cyclists already use these digital options. Of those who do not yet do so and who also ride an ebike, more than half can imagine using an app for this purpose.

Overview from Wertgarantie's Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023 on the use of apps for reporting damage to bicycles

Overview on the use of apps for reporting damage to bicycles

Background to the study

For the “Fahrrad & E-Bike Report 2023”, Wertgarantie collaborated with the Hamburg-based market research institute Splendid Research. The data is based on a survey of 1,519 people living in Germany from February 2023. A total of 1,018 of these people stated that they rode a regular bicycle, while 501 named a pedelec as the bicycle they used. In addition, information derived from pedelecs insured with Wertgarantie was included.


Pictures: Wertgarantie

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