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Ridetronic in the Test: Speeding Through the City with a Smile

Ridetronic ebike in the test

In and around Munich there are numerous bicycle brands, drive manufacturers and suppliers. One of the smaller names is Ridetronic. The manufacturer has exactly one ebike in its range, which it now produces in the second generation. A configurator allows you to choose from two frame designs and equip it individually. At just under 3,200 euros and weighing less than 14 kilograms, this urban ebike is definitely worth a closer look. Our colleague Anika was able to test the bike recently and was quite impressed.

Anika, in general terms, how did you feel riding the Ridetronic?

Really pleasant. It was a lot of fun to whiz around town on the Ridetronic.

What did you notice positively?

Above all, the low weight of the ebike. The 16 kilograms clearly had an effect on the pleasant riding experience. This was also an advantage as soon as I wanted to carry the bike down or up stairs. There was no difference to my own bike without a motor.

Carrying the Ridetronic ebike up a flight of stairs

At just under 16 kilograms, the Ridetronic is relatively easy to carry up a flight of stairs.

With a torque of 35 Newton metres, the rear hub motor of the Ridetronic does not offer enormous push. How did that work out in practice?

Well, it was enough for a big smile on my face in any case. When I sat on the Ridetronic, it rode off almost by itself. At least, if I had forgotten to switch down the assistance level before getting off. If I started with level 5, a minimal effort on the pedals was enough and the blue speedster shot off. After a few times, however, I quickly got the hang out of it. When approaching a red light, for example, I simply switched down from speed 5 to speed 3, which was quite sufficient for starting off.

How did the bike feel when you were going faster than 25 km/h and the motor support ceased?

You notice the loss of the motor support quite clearly. From that point on, you have the feeling that you are pedalling against resistance. However, I was not surprised. After all, the Ridetronic is not an S-pedelec. Quite automatically, I simply adapted my riding style.

Did you also ride the bike without motor assistance on purpose?

Actually, I tried that too. The pedalling seemed a bit more sluggish than on my bio-bike. Perhaps this was because I mostly rode the Ridetronic in support levels 3, 4 and 5, which is why the difference felt so stark.

How did you get on with the riding modes and the derailleur?

Both shifting and switching between the support levels worked quickly and smoothly. Especially on climbs, I rode with an ease that was completely new to me.

Ridetronic ebike in the test

Test bike featuring mudguards, rear rack, complete lighting system and display.

What did you like less?

The only thing coming to mind is the battery cover. I had the impression that it was too loose. At first I thought I hadn’t fitted it correctly. Until I realised that the loose fit was normal. When the battery was in the frame, I could lift the cover a little in the middle. Small air slits appeared on the right and left. The cover was even looser when I removed the battery. The battery inside was probably missing as a stabilising factor. Whether this guarantees 100 per cent protection against moisture and dirt seemed somewhat doubtful to me.

Let’s stay with the battery. It can be removed for charging. From your point of view, an advantage or a disadvantage?

For me, it’s definitely an advantage. I find it very practical. If I hadn’t been able to remove the battery, the cable would have quickly gotten in the way in my flat. So I could just put the battery on my table for charging.

How much time did it take to charge the battery?

Unfortunately, I didn’t measure the charging time. The manufacturer states a charging time of 120 minutes on its website. Then its 250 watt hours are filled up again.

View of the Ridetronic ebike with Sigma V1300 display

The Sigma control unit and display make a good impression.

How far did you get on one charge?

If I add up the journey there and back, I ride about 17 kilometres to work. Most of the time I used assistance level 4. In this mode, the display indicated a range of 40 kilometres. That’s about right. In level 5, it was more like the maximum 30 kilometres indicated. On the display, you always have a good view of the remaining range for each riding mode, which is good.

Did you find that sufficient for your needs?

Yes, the range was completely sufficient for me.

Which routes did you cover with the Ridetronic?

Basically, I only rode in the city. In terms of riding time at a stretch, we are talking about something between 10 and 30 minutes.

Our test bike had a complete lighting system with front headlight and tail light integrated in the rear mudguard. What grade do you give them?

An A, if I may. I would like to emphasise the powerful headlight. With its 180 lumens, it reliably illuminates the immediate surroundings in front of you. With the rear light, too, I always had the feeling of being well seen.

What impression did the display make on you?

I thought the display was great. No unnecessary frills. Easy-to-read numbers and a clear, structured layout.

Did you use the app?

No, I didn’t use it. I can’t say anything about it.

In the configuration of our test bike, the Ridetronic weighed around 16 kilograms. Did the weight play a special role for you at any point?

My impression was that the low weight clearly had an effect on the riding itself. The riding experience was incredibly light and very pleasant. I already mentioned the carrying. For comparison: My own bicycle without e-drive is a bit heavier than the Ridetronic.

What do you think this ebike is best suited for?

The term “city runabout” describes it pretty well. The battery capacity is quite sufficient for shorter distances. It doesn’t matter if you’re going shopping or to visit friends. With the Ridetronic, you arrive at your destination quickly and relaxed. And if you ride with a lower support level, you can definitely make smaller trips with it.

Did you miss anything about the bike?

No, I didn’t miss anything about the Ridetronic during the test.

Thank you very much for talking to us, Anika.


Pictures: Elektrofahrrad24

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