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Cycling Tours Still Enormously Popular in Germany in 2022

ADFC bicycle travel analysis 2022

Around three out of four Germans cycle occasionally or regularly. This was determined by the Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club e.V. (ADFC) as part of its current bicycle travel analysis for the year 2022. Longer cycling tours as well as day trips are still very popular with the people of this country. Especially on cycling tours, the share of those who travel with an ebike is decreasing.

The bicycle remains one of the most popular means of transport in Germany. The ADFC puts the proportion of the population who use them for everyday journeys, for sport or for recreation on the saddle during a tour lasting several days or a day trip at 76 percent. Overall, these are slightly fewer cyclists than in 2021, when the figure was 82 percent. Looking at the 77 percent from 2019, one can speak of a relatively constant development.

1. How did cycling tours and day trips develop in 2022?
2. How many Germans undertake a cycling tour?
3. How many people use an ebike for this purpose and why?
4. Who undertakes a cycling tour?
5. How do people structure their journey?
6. Which means of transport do people choose to travel to and from their destination?
7. What motivates people to go on a cycling tour?
8. What is the most common destination for Germans?
9. This is how the ADFC compiles the cycle travel analysis

1. How did cycling tours and day trips develop in 2022?

In particular, the constancy applies to cycling tours and day trips. Here the difference between 2022 with 67.9 percent and 2021 with 68 percent is only marginal. At the height of the Corona pandemic in 2019, with lockdowns and similar measures, just 54.9 per cent of cyclists took a cycling tour or occasional trips.

Around 38 million people opted for a day trip in 2022, about four million fewer than the year before. Those who did go for a bike ride, however, were more active. Against the backdrop of an average of 11.7 trips per year, the absolute number of day trips increased to 445 million. People cycled an average distance of 46 kilometres per trip.

2. How many Germans undertake a cycling tour?

The figures for cycling tours also point increasingly in the direction of the pre-Corona period. In 2022, around 4.6 million Germans went on a continuous journey lasting several days by bicycle. This corresponds to 6.6 percent of the German resident population. With an increase of 700,000 cycling trips compared to 2021, the trend is clearly upwards. However, there is still some way to go to level out at the peak value of 5.5 million cycling trips for 2018.

Number of cycle travellers according to the ADFC bicycle travel analysis for 2022

Number of cycle travellers for the years 2018 to 2022

3. How many people use an ebike for this purpose and why?

Contrary to the constantly high sales figures of ebikes, more people did without an e-drive again during a cycling tour in 2021. The share of bikes without motor assistance rose from 58 percent to 62 percent. This means that it is now almost on a par with the share of ebikes in day trips. Except that the figure there represents an increase of more than almost six percent.

Proportion of cyclists using ebikes according to the ADFC bicycle travel analysis for 2022

Proportion of cycle travellers using ebikes for the years 2017 to 2022

Those who go on a cycling journey with an ebike continue to do so primarily to cover longer distances. Another reason is the fact that in this way people visit areas to which they would not otherwise have travelled by bike due to the physical challenge. In addition, the desire for community comes into play. With the help of electric assistance, people with different levels of physical fitness can cycle together for longer periods of time.

Motives for a cycling tour with an ebike according to the ADFC bicycle tour analysis for 2022

Motives for a cycling tour riding an ebike

4. Who undertakes a cycling tour?

Potentially, this could be one of the reasons that motivates more and more women to go on a cycling tour. Their share is increasing. The ratio to men is now about two to three. Across all genders, most continue to travel in the company of partners and friends. However, the proportion of those travelling alone is increasing. At six per cent, it has recorded the largest increase and now stands at 24 per cent.

Travel behaviour of cycle travellers according to the ADFC bicycle travel analysis for 2022

Travelling in a group or alone?

5. How do people structure their journey?

There are usually two common patterns for a cycling journey: The classic journey from A to B – or alternatively exploring a region from a fixed location. More and more people are opting for the route variant. They cover an average of 71 kilometres per stage and book every second accommodation spontaneously.

For those who always start from the same place, the accommodation is naturally booked much more often before the start of the journey. The number of stages is lower and people choose somewhat shorter distances.

Types of cycling tours according to the ADFC bicycle travel analysis for 2022

Comparison between the two dominant types of bicycle tours

6. Which means of transport do people choose to travel to and from their destination?

Regardless of the type of cycling trip, people are more likely to travel by public transport and train. At around 38 percent, this share is even just ahead of the car, which is chosen in around 34 percent of cases. For day trips, the picture is currently completely different. There, the car is currently still the means of choice. Rail and public transport have been able to catch up somewhat, so that the ratio is now 60 per cent to 38 per cent.

7. What motivates people to go on a cycling tour?

Asked about the motivation for a cycling tour, people’s answers also reflect to some extent the current economic situation in Germany. The promotion of one’s own health plays a slightly smaller role than in the previous analysis. At the same time, more bicycle travellers emphasise that this type of travel is more affordable than others.

Motives for a cycling tour according to the ADFC bicycle tour analysis for 2022

General motives for a bicycle tour

8. What is the most common destination for Germans?

In 2022, Germans were again increasingly attracted to foreign countries. The increase of 16 percent compared to 2021 speaks a clear language here. The share of now a good 38 percent even exceeds the previous peak value from 2019, which was 33 percent.

Destinations of Germans on a cycling tour abroad according to the ADFC bicycle travel analysis for 2022

Destinations of Germans on a cycling tour abroad

Possibly this is one of the trends that will become even more apparent in the cycle travel analysis for 2023. According to the ADFC survey, half of the cycling travellers are planning at least one cycling tour in Europe. The most frequent destination remains Germany with 56 percent. However, the proportions of both plans could converge noticeably.

The most popular long-distance cycle routes in Germany according to the ADFC bicycle travel analysis for 2022

The most popular long-distance cycle routes in Germany

9. This is how the ADFC compiles the cycle travel analysis

For the 2022 Cycle Travel Analysis, the ADFC conducted several surveys online from November 2022 to January 2023. This was done in two nationally representative panels and once openly via the association’s own channels. In the end, 12,536 evaluable questionnaires formed the data basis for the current analysis.


Pictures: Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club e.V. (ADFC)

1 thought on “Cycling Tours Still Enormously Popular in Germany in 2022”

  1. Monarch powersports

    I found your blog post about the popularity of cycling tours in Germany in 2022 very interesting. It’s not surprising to see that this activity remains popular in the country, given its beautiful scenery and well-developed cycling infrastructure. Your insights and recommendations will surely inspire more people to explore Germany on two wheels.

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