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Cycle Traffic Records More Fatalities and Accidents Again in 2022

Balance of cyclists killed and injured in road traffic in Germany in 2022

More people died again in 2022 after road accidents than in the previous year. This was reported by the Federal Statistical Office a few days ago. The figures among cyclists sadly demonstrate how much catching up there is still to do in Germany in this respect.

The Federal Statistical Office registered a total of 2,788 deaths. This means that nine percent more people lost their lives on Germany’s roads than in 2021. The increase corresponds to a number of 226 fatalities. The balance was similar with regard to people who were injured in road traffic accidents. Here, the statistics showed an increase of twelve percent to 361,134 people. As the press release of the Federal Statistical Office states, the figures are nevertheless equivalent to one of the lowest levels in almost 70 years.

Sad development against the trend

Cyclists were particularly at risk in 2022. With 474 people, 102 more died than in 2021. The increase of about 27 percent is thus significantly higher than the level for all road traffic of only nine percent. Currently, 17 percent of all road fatalities were cycling at the time of the accident. In 2021, this share was still only 14.5 percent.

A closer look reveals that among the cyclists killed, there is an outsized imbalance to the disadvantage of people riding a pedelec. Of the 474 people who died, 208 were riding an ebike. This corresponds to a share of almost 44 percent. According to the Federal Statistical Office, however, there was only one ebike in relation to seven bicycles in Germany in 2022.

In the same period of the previous year, the figures were noticeably lower. There were 131 ebike riders who died, which corresponded to a share of about 35 percent among the cyclists who were killed. In general, it can be said that the number of fatalities on bicycles has been decreasing less significantly than that of other groups of people participating in road traffic since the year 2000. Over the course of more than 20 years, there has been a decrease of 28 percent. By comparison, the figure regarding car occupants was 73 per cent.

Chart showing the development of the number of road traffic fatalities in Germany from 2000 to 2022

From 2021 to 2022, the decrease in the number of cyclists killed in road traffic in Germany was significantly lower than the basic value from the year 2000.

Accident location and age of the cyclists involved of great relevance

Towns and villages continue to be accident blackspots. Of course, this is where most of the cycle traffic takes place. Last year, 70 per cent of the accidents with personal injury occurred within a town or city. This resulted in 881 fatalities. Almost exactly 31 percent of them were riding a bicycle. In relation to cars, the figure is only 19 percent. The number of cyclists who died was 276, higher than in 2021. Basically, the increase is exclusively among ebike riders.

Chart of cyclists killed in road traffic in Germany in 2022 with differentiation by type of traffic participation and location

More cyclists die in built-up areas than on rural roads.

In addition, the statistics provide information about the age of those killed. In relation to ebike riders, two striking age limits emerge here. A first noticeable increase can be seen from the age of 55. In the group of 55 to under 65-year-olds, the number triples in comparison to the age group of 45 to under 55-year-olds. The second larger jump in fatalities concerns people aged 75 and over. From this age onwards, the number of deaths almost doubles again. One of the reasons for the jumps is certainly the fact that identical injuries can have different physical effects on a 45-year-old person than on a 75-year-old person. Equally, the fact that more and more older people prefer the ebike to the regular bicycle is likely to play a role. This, of course, also increases the mathematical probability of being injured or even killed with it.

Chart showing the age distribution of cyclists killed in road traffic in Germany in 2022

Age distribution of cyclists killed in road traffic in Germany in 2022

In its assessment of the balance sheet, the German Road Safety Council, on the other hand, directs its attention to structural measures that can provide more safety for people travelling by bicycle. They urgently needed to be pushed forward. “We call for an upgrading of the infrastructure in favour of vulnerable road users, which will have a huge impact on the safe participation of cyclists in road traffic.”


Pictures: Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e. V.; Federal Statistical Office

2 thoughts on “Cycle Traffic Records More Fatalities and Accidents Again in 2022”

  1. Im new to Germany and I just learned riding my bike on the side walk is illegal here which is a joke. Today a German friend of mine said she was almost hit by 3 cars in one ride that day. Guess how many times Ive almost been hit by a car riding on the side walk? 0

    You are largely relying on human beings in a killing machine to be capable at all times which is absolutely not the case.

    In California, you have the right to choose side walk or road, and if you want to pretend your bike is a car then go for it.. its legal. Its also legal for me not to trust people behind the wheel of a car as Capable and opt out of roads.

    1. Hello,
      We do absolutely see your point. At the end, it is just that simple: other country, other rules. Imagine all the cyclists riding on the sidewalk from now on. No pedestrian would be safe there anymore. That wouldn’t solve the problem. It needs all of us, cyclists, pedestrians, drivers, bikers, etc. to take care for each other.
      Cheers, Matthias

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